Romantic trip is more than just a guided tour. This is a quality mark that is put on relationships as “Serious”. In pursuit of it, thousands of girls in love are burning with impatience, waiting when their beloved one invites them to spend a vacation together!
The sea, the sun, he and she – and it seems that nothing else in the world matters. But the first experience of joint rest for the “beginner” couple decides a lot in the development of relationships. Far from the usual, everyday life, the two of them have to open up to each other without embellishment.
Two plane tickets, two suitcases ready for the journey and the desire to run away from everyone (of course, it’s better to go to some island, where only nature, stars and the ocean) is familiar to all lovers. Although just before leaving, strange doubts may suddenly arise: “What if we were mistaken? Will we get along with each other? What are we going to talk about?” Such questions are inevitable, because the first joint vacation is a turning point for the relations of any couple.
Because any joint vacation is not only the smell of the sea, the clinking of wine glasses, nights in bed with snow-white sheets, and a late breakfast but it’s also twenty-four hours a day nearby. A two-person vacation holds a palm among the compatibility tests, determining the result with an accuracy of up to ninety percent. Only after seeing the true face of the partner, it can be concluded that you want to be close to this person.
Every day under microscope
Whether we choose the comfortable beaches of Spain, romantic walks in Italy and France or a log cabin on the river bank in Ukraine, as a “paradise for two”, the first joint journey becomes a challenge for us. After all, now it is not only about spending a few hours alone (when both have time and desire), we will always be together within a few days or even weeks. And that’s why there is no chance to hide the fact that someone prefers a “creative” mess in their things, and someone does not like to shave without need or sees no reason to crawl out from the bed until dinner is served. Going to travel together, we voluntarily go to the vicinity of twenty-four hours a day.
The decision to go somewhere together is a serious step towards each other. Both partners deliberately take risks: after all, such a rapprochement can both strengthen and shake the already established relationship. Joint travel allows us not only to stay with each other face to face, but also to open ourselves and get to know our partner in the atmosphere of everyday and human intimacy. It is in vain that the main test for love is separation. One-room hotel room can be a much more serious exam for those who don’t accept relationship tips.
It is not easy even for very close people to be in close contact twenty-four hours a day. Imagine: one is an “owl” (go to bed late at night), and the other is a “lark” (wakes up early), and on vacation it inevitably affects their joint plans. Both will have to reckon with this. Here a certain style of relations will appear – whether they will make a joint decision on the general regime, whether they will go for a mutual compromise, or whether one will prove to the other that he is wrong and press on the other person. How to share a bathroom, whether to go on a tour or sunbathe by the pool, dine at home or in a restaurant – the couple are constantly looking for ways to reach agreement. While we have not lived together for at least several days in a row, we cannot say that we are made for each other.
Check if you are you on the same wavelength with pretty Ukrainian lady
The rhythm of our life depends on daily needs, old habits, and family traditions. On vacation, the opposite is true – we do not organize the world around us, but it reorganizes us. Holidays for two – the time of maximum intimacy, it gives us a unique opportunity to see the true desires, character and behavior of our partner.
Spending twenty-four hours with each other, partners (sometimes for the first time) also have the opportunity to “verify” their views on life. Indeed, in the daily time trouble we often do not have time for serious conversations about the main thing. Situations that allow you to see the behavior, the actions of the partner, may not be formed – after all, the atmosphere of dating is always a bit artificial, moreover, both at such moments are focused primarily on each other, and not on what is happening around.
You should prepare yourself for your trip
You have to be ready for traveling together with pretty Ukrainian lady. Everyone knows how important it is not to make a mistake in choosing things – clothes according to the weather, a guidebook or drugs. It is equally important to understand the measure of autonomy in relation to each other. It is necessary to determine the boundaries of proximity, acceptable to both, because everyone needs a share of personal time and space. Try to catch the moment when your partner wants to be alone. If she answers your questions uninterestedly, looks distracted, is lost in her thoughts, it may be time to give her a “breath”.
Too much focusing on each other is risky. It is clear that the both of you have long dreamed of being together, and you rush into this proximity like jumping into the sea, and then discover that they are getting tired of each other. At such there might appear a feeling that in this endless merger you lose yourself. And this is a completely natural feeling, because each of us is a social being, but our own individuality is no less important for us.
At the same time, in a relaxed atmosphere of vacation, it is easy to idealize relationships. We so want everything to go well that we are trying to notice in the other only positive sides, and at the same time we are trying to show what is expected of us, agreeing to slightly embellish our real appearance. Do not try to play the role of the perfect life partner.
In an effort to meet the expectations of a partner, you can be trapped: not being able to remain yourself, at some point we begin to feel irritated being next to the one for whom this whole game was started. The partner becomes a source of discomfort, and it is very easy to unknowingly start blaming her for this.
New page in relationship
Going on the first joint vacation, the couple creates the beginning of their common history. These days they have an invaluable amount of common jokes and funny cases, secret “code” words, intimate habits and rituals. These treasures belonging to both will form the basis on which their relationship will be built and a kind of insurance in case they suddenly crack. So the journey is not only a separation from the usual life, it is an ordinary life, for which we often simply do not have enough time. Paradoxically, what was one of the first tests of strength for partners can later become a reliable means of strengthening relations, if they continue.
Sometimes it takes only a few days for the partners to be filled with the idyllic image of a paradise holiday and feel the new reality: they have the opportunity to become one – a couple. Joint vacation often becomes a journey into the future because exactly far from home both decide to live together. And their return to real life is already happening in a new capacity.