Dating myths : dating advice tips
Myth vs Reality
Dating could be a challenge or an adventure for you depending on your expectations. You can have fun on a first date, be a winner and meet the right person for the future relationship. Or…it can be a total disaster. There are some dating myths that prevent singles to choose the best partner on a first date. Below you will find dating advice tips about some wide-spreaded myths.
Myth #1. I will know at first sight.
The saying goes: “Don’t judge a book on its cover” but we are humans and we still get the opinion after first impression. We “paint a picture” of someone even without getting to know them properly and we do it all the time. It’s wrong and the result is constant disappointment after first date.
Reality advice: It takes time to know someone, so be patient. You have to enjoy the first date, just relax and think of how you feel. Probably you will be pleasantly surprised with your feelings. Listen to your intuition and you might be attracted to a person whom you thought as the one of not your type. Similarly, you may go out on a date with a lady whom you expected to be attracted to but after real meeting you are not feeling this way. More than 40% of singles started their relationship with someone they weren’t attracted to on the first date.
Myth #2. Dating is a numbers game.
The best chance to meet the right person is to date with more people. It’s wrong to date with hundreds of people whom you consider to be nice according to your preliminary communication. You are looking for life partner and dating with enormous amount of ladies won’t help you to find someone unique to fall in love.
Reality advice: You have to be selective and qualitative in dating. Dating isn’t only an event to know someone, but it’s also an opportunity to know yourself. It helps to know what kind of woman you want as your future partner and what fears you have about new partner.
Myth #3. Looking for someone to feel complete
You are a whole person and no one can complete you. If you are looking for someone who can fulfill you, you have to spend a reasonable time alone and become fulfilled in your own life. Only after getting to know yourself, love will come as an incredible bonus.
Reality advice: Don’t think of what you can get from the partner. Stay open to possibilities, enjoy your dating and believe that there is a person who is looking for you too. “Matches” always find each other.
Myth #4. Wait till the time is right.
After many failures we usually think that we will find love when the time is right. But it’s a wrong idea as waiting and doing nothing will never bring the expected results. There is no one but you who has to find someone and continue your search even after a couple of unsuccessful attempts and datings.
Reality advice: Use every opportunity to meet someone, to go out for a date, to date online and offline. Leave your doubts and develop relationship naturally. Don’t wait for “better times”.
Myth #5. I can work out with qualities I don’t like in my partner.
If something bothers you about other person and you can’t accept or deal with it or work it out on the first stage of relationship, you won’t be able to omit this fact in the future no matter how long you date.
Reality advice: if a person you date seems right in so many ways and has all the characteristics you were looking for in your future partner, you can try to resolve the problem immediately. If it is not possible, either you will be bothered all the time or you have to stop the courtship and continue looking for someone else.
Myth #6 Single parent is out of the dating market
Being a single parent isn’t a sentence. Women are attracted to men both with or without children; they also think that a man with a child is more sensitive and attentive, more caring and responsible and it means that such men have more chances to go out for a date.
Reality Advice: Don’t hide the information about having a child from the very beginning especially when you use online dating. According to the statistics, 60% of singles want to date a single parent.
Myth #7. Love conquers all
Falling in love with someone, we try not noticing or paying attention to the things that will be an obvious problem in the future relationship or marriage. You want to live in the USA and she wants to stay in Ukraine or you want her to be a housewife and she wants to continue her career. Some couples make a wrong decision to get engaged before they work out such issues and if they remain unresolved, they will be a constant source of conflicts and drama.
Reality Advice: You have to realize the difference in lifestyle and goals of the other person even before you meet each other. If there is a click on the first date and you want to continue your relationship, compromising is the only way that helps you not only at the early stage of the relationship but in the future as well.

Young couple has breakfast at italian café
How to become more successful in meeting and dating women
Single men spend a lot of time for creating career and making money. Their dream to find someone significant remains a dream because of the lack of free time. If you are one of them, you also want to find a partner to share your life with. Maybe you don’t know how to start dating or all previous mistakes and failures don’t make you feel comfortable about meeting women once again. How can you change it and what have you to do? Relationship coach for men is what you need at this stage of your life. The professional dating coach is interested in helping you to become a man who will be attracted to women and who can hold woman’s interest and attention longer than one hour; a man who is self-confident and fulfilled; a man who will get the skills to build a strong relationship.
Relationship coach for men had a personal approach to every man because they know that each man is unique. They provide their assistance throughout the whole process: from learning your wants and needs, helping you with dating advice tips to supporting you in building relationship.