Errors in the profile – dating profile consultant
Cruel truth about your dating profile
Why do people stay on dating sites? Someone is lonely and looking for friends, the other is trying to finally find love, and still others simply want adventures and short love affairs without obligations. For a modern person online is a huge part of the time, full of meetings, partings, acquaintances, discoveries and disappointments. It is very important that the internet helps to diversify real life, and not replace it with a virtual one. In fact, it is not so important where you met your soul mate: in the subway, in the restaurant, in the library, on the Internet, it is important that you still find them among seven billion people living on our planet. How can you help yourself in search of the only one? What are the rules of dating online?

Young woman with social network of friends
The stories of happy couples who found each other on the Internet are numerous, which is not surprising – just think how much time you spend on social networks. There are many successful meetings, so if you want to get a little happiness it is enough to go online and learn useful information, about the most rude mistakes in you dating profile.
Your dating profile has to attract Ukraine beautiful girl
Dating profile consultant knows how to create your profile correctly:
Your name
The name or “nickname” on the dating site is the first thing that girls see when they look through a dating site. Therefore, the choice of a name is of paramount importance. The name must be unique – this is the main success on a dating site!
What to write about yourself
In “About myself” it is necessary to write as briefly as possible: pay special attention to your life priorities. It is important to specify who you are, what you are, what you are striving for, why you registered on the dating site. This part of your profile will be reviewed by each girl.
According to statistics, girls view “About myself” in men’s profile 7 times more than the rest of the information. Do not try to be a very simple guy. You must show that you are 100% confident in yourself and ready for anything for your beloved! It does not matter how it will look, most importantly, it should be your unique feature and inspire confidence!
Remember! It is forbidden to write about the problems in private life that you once had! It is very important. Most girls will not understand your psychology without knowing the real situation with your past and just leaves your profile without any attention. In fact, everyone who is on dating sites has the same problem – they are looking for their love. Women are looking for the strong man who is able to solve their problems but won’t create new troubles for them. A girl who looked in your profile, and saw that you already had the experience of unhappy love may think of different things and start to suspect that it is better not to deal with you.
“Who I want to find”
To make it easier for a Ukraine beautiful girl to start a relationship with you, describe as fully as possible your vision of your relationship with her. Do not focus on the color of the hair or the eyes; do not rush with the restriction on the age of your future partner. It is better to write about who you want to see next to you, than to list the bad habits with which you are not ready to put up.
Physical Characteristics/Body type
Do not try to exaggerate your physical parameters. If you are 165 cm tall, it’s better to write about it. There are a lot of short girls in the world who would like to meet with you. A girl, who is higher than you, even if she is a model, will most likely feel uncomfortable if, at the first meeting in real life, you will be “shorter”. It is better to describe your main advantages, and to avoid talking about your shortcomings. All of us are not perfect and you don’t need to focus on your big nose or protruding ears!
Work, occupation
Girls reread this section several times. It is still very important for them to know who and how a man works. Even if your income does not reach the average level, it’s better to focus on increasing it than writing about a small salary. A woman is looking for a man who can support a family in hard times. And even if she earns well, she needs a reliable shoulder.
“My interests”/hobbies
Even if you work on a boring job, your hobbies can be romantic. Girls like traveling, outdoor activities, tourism because it’s always a new experience. If you do not have any hobby, you have to find it urgently.
Family status
This point attracts women’s attention first of all. If you are divorced – do not be shy, write that there was an experience of family life, but do not describe how bad your ex was. There is such a thing as female solidarity. Each girl in the dating phase studies man’s profile very carefully, because she does not want to spend the best years of her life for nothing.
Never add this information to your profile
To make you profile on a dating site attractive, you do not need to be embarrassed or lie. Your cheating will be open sooner or later, and extra modesty on the Internet is not a good thing. After all, the Internet exists to help different shy guys find a way to the woman’s heart.
- Never post a photo with your ex even if you look great on it or even if you cut it. Just don’t do it.
- Don’t write such information as “I love to laugh” and about walks under the moon too. It’s not unique or original.
- Leave all the negative moments aside. Do you love to tease or you have a big nose and other complexes? Just keep silent!
- Do not mention the size of the girl’s breasts. It is especially important not to talk about it to girls with a small bust.
- All figures, including the size of the salary, the number of sexual partners, and the maximum waiting time for women, are prohibited.
- You cannot write about your sexual preferences – it scares away almost all normal women! It is also better to omit intimate details of your body. Do not write about your favorite sex positions – it’s a bad tone. To win woman’s heart you should tell her of how you dream to raise children. For an adequate girl it will be a signal that you are a reliable man; she can rely on you and create a strong family.
Dating profile consultant is a person who will help you to put only the attractive information to your profile so you can be spoiled with women’s attention. He recommends you to believe in yourself! Believe in your uniqueness! Do not pay attention to certain negative personalities that will come across you on dating sites. Do not lose the spirit, if you are not answered – then she is not yours. Keep looking, create your cool profile and you’ll be surprised when you see that the girls will be the first to write to you!