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What type of Ukrainian ladies use online dating sites

Wednesday, April 25th

What type of Ukrainian ladies use online dating sites

Online dating in practice has proved its effectiveness as a great way of dating for Ukraine women looking for men of any age. This is especially demanded by women over 30, many of them are divorced and they can hardly meet a man in real life. When a girl is 23 years old, she can easily go to the club, meet a handsome guy and drink a couple of cocktails with him. However, if she turned 35, 40 or 50, such frivolous leisure is problematic. When a woman is over 40, she is more likely to hurry home, where the endless household is waiting for her.What type of Ukrainian ladies use online dating sites

Those women who are over 30 are ready to get acquainted with the help of Internet, where they have the opportunity to communicate with different men whom they would never have met in ordinary life. The only problem for these women is that they, resorting to the possibility of virtual dating, did not get acquainted with anyone for decades for romantic relationship. Divorced or single women who have not previously married, are afraid of falling into the trap of online dating, trying to escape from loneliness, giving vent to emotions, crying about their former boyfriends or husbands, financial problems and other troubles, hoping thereby to be attracted by men , in the long term to get married with them and solve their problems. This is their deepest mistake.

Why most Ukraine women looking for men are afraid to date online and move from a virtual meeting to a real one?

Online dating is deceptive

In order to know a person better you need to communicate with him personally and this fact doesn’t cause any doubts. On Internet, it often happens that she spends a few nights chatting with a guy all the time, imagining something about him and creating a certain image in her head. And when she meets a man in person, it turns out that he is not so witty, and he is more handsome in the photo than in real life. And after walking for a couple of hours or sitting in a cafe, they say goodbye and never see each other again. But if they had met in real life, they would see the shortcomings of each other immediately and they would not waste their time.Online dating pushes real communication out from our life

Internet is full of  “time killers”

On any dating site there are people who don’t want to meet with anyone and don’t look for anyone there. They just need virtual communication. It’s great when such guys or girls write about it directly in their profile. And if not? The guy amuses her for the third hour in a row, having already sorted out all the jokes he knew. And she, sending him promising emoji, is actually just enjoying life, without any serious or even frivolous intentions towards him. Of course this is not a crime, but it is very difficult to call such a behavior decent. If “killing time” is not your goal of being on dating sites, be careful with such ladies.

Online dating pushes real communication out from our life

The more a person spends online, the less time he has to live in real life. Dating online don’t influence well on the ability of a person to get acquainted in everyday life. Getting used to writing “Hello, how are you?”, and exchanging the photos by e-mail doesn’t correlate with real life, where in order to get acquainted with a nice person, you must, among other things, show resourcefulness, ingenuity and non-standard approach. Some women still believe that a walk in the park or on the beach will allow them to relax from the screens of the monitor and possibly help to meet someone special.

Online dating generates impunity

And impunity attracts boors and deceivers. Many men are not responsible for their words and actions that’s why a woman’s disappointment about online dating appears.  It’s obvious, there are rude people everywhere, but the problem of Internet communication is that they can be rude there, as long as they want and no one will punish them for it. Therefore, girls can be shocked that unfamiliar men can send them vulgar, sometimes rude proposals and put in their profiles indecent photos.  Internet is the most democratic platform for communication. But we have to pay for this democracy and for this freedom.Online dating tightens

Online dating tightens

At the first stage of diving into online dating, we choose carefully, with whom to communicate, and we think carefully of what exactly we want to write. A week later, opening the page of your favorite site, you look for friends who are online at the moment. Six months later, Internet eats up all your free time. The name of the site is no longer needed – now it is the home page of the browser at your laptop. It’s scary, is not it? Women who are more responsible than men after realizing this problem stop using online dating sites and prefer to spend the time more productively.

What women think about men in Internet

Women are divided into two groups: one of them are afraid of online dating, and will avoid them for many reasons trying to use dating services not online; the others believe that it is the best place to meet your other half there.  

Here are some women’s thoughts from both groups:

Online dating women’s fears

Men lure the victim on the first date and rob or poison women. These visitors on the websites even hide their names under nicknames. Why do they do it? If a person doesn’t have bad intentions, he will sign by his own name, and not by a nickname. Yes, and they can’t be checked. If you met a person, for example, at a party, you can find him somehow through your friends. And what about dating sites? There is also no way to figure out who is sitting on the other side of the screen. Women have to be careful! Time is very dangerous now. There is enough crime. And the crooks are very experienced. You have 99 chances out of 100 to meet a scammer on online dating sites.  What for? It is better to meet at parties or at work, or find someone with the help of dating services not online. So at least you know something about a person and where you can find him if something is wrong.

Online dating advantages

Online dating advantagesWhere else can I find a man? On the street? In cafe? In the bus? The chances of running into a maniac are much higher at such places  than on Internet. A decent man won’t start the conversation with you on the street. He will simply be sure that he will be refused in any communication, because the decent girls don’t get acquainted on the street. People who register on special dating sites are ready to meet someone; they want some romance, so there is no shame in writing to someone. While you will correspond, you will have an opportunity to know a person a little. Nobody press on you to meet at once and even more go to his house on the first date. By the way, in the process of exchanging letters or chatting, you can learn more about a person than during a couple of hours on the first date. Of course, it is possible that once you meet in real a person can be different from whom he claimed to be. But why not try it? You don’t need to continue meeting those people whom you don’t like.